June 10, 2011

20 Ways To Become The Best In Your Field

Photo cred: Leo Reynolds

Becoming the best in a certain field has always been the ultimate challenge. This requires determination beyond anything. It means not settling for "second best", not going halfway in your journey to success and fulfillment, surpassing yourself and all the others while you evolve and grow.

I received a list from Adrian Soare called "101+ Ways For Becoming The Best In Your Field". We will attach it to the blog post so you can download it and check it from time to time to remind yourself what can bring you results in your field of interest.

I consider the following 20 point to be the most important ones:

1. Offer 20% more than your average client expects. By doing this you will surprise your clients in the best way possible and most of them will want to repay you for this with a service, more money or with a recommendation.

June 3, 2011

The Difference Between a Boss and a Leader

Photo cred: nestor galina

Is a boss different than a leader ? I'd like to think so and I'm sure you'd agree. Keeping it clear and simple I'd like to point out the major differences between them:

A boss inspires fear. A leader inspires enthusiasm.
A boss uses words like "I", "Go". A leader uses words like "We", "Let's go".
A boss knows how it is done. A leader shows how it is done.
A boss's focus is on fixing the blame for the problem. A leader's focus is on fixing the problem.
A boss drives people. A leader coaches them.
A boss makes work a drudgery. A leader makes work...fun, like a game.
A boss depends on authority. A leader on good will.
A boss has people working for him. A leader has people working with him.
A boss will make you see your flaws. A leader will help you discover your potential.

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